If you are going to pair it with OptiFine, then you will want to make sure you have the latest version of Forge that you can download at.

Curseforge is a modloader, it's the most mainstream and easiest to use.Forge makes modding a lot easier and will sometimes save you if you’re struggling to change everything in your game. Just install the app and then you can browse modpacks to download. Better Minecraft was a very nice modpack, and I'm assuming you're talking about the 1.16 forge version, so make sure you download that one and not the Fabric version unless that's what you're going for. Shaders need a mod called Optifine to be used. Download the newest version for 1.16 off their website and put it into your Mods folder. Then a shaderpacks folder will appear, just throw the BSL zip file in there. Then from the Video options, click Shaders abd click on the BSL shaders.Īny other mods you wanna add just do the same as Optifine ans throw them into your Mods folder for Better Minecraft. I don't know if Origins would be a good fit, as it's meant for very light modpacks since a lot of modded items don't adhere to the Origins rules (such as Avian being able to eat meat from mods or Merlings beinf able to breathe on land with modded items and armor).Actually, there are several ways how you can install shaders. The first way is to use a modloader like Forge, which is much more complicated than the second method. Instead, you can simply install Optifine 1.16.5 and besides an extreme FPS boost, this mod also adds an option to easily add shaders. After that, you should take a look at our list of new shader packs. Everything from our collection has been tested by us several times and worked without lags and bugs. Now we come to our simple step-by-step installation tutorial.

Close the folder and return to the Minecraft window.The shader will be displayed in the list and you can activate it with just one click.Finally, click on the Done button and the installation is complete.If you get a black screen or an error message, you should restart the game.